18 NOV

This War of Mine Trainer

8 Options · Game Version: v6.0.0+ · Last Updated: 2019.11.18This War of Mine Trainer


Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Infinite Backpack Size
Num 3 – Infinite Tools Durability
Num 4 – Instant Crafting
Num 5 – Freeze Day Time
Num 6 – Freeze Night Time
Num 7 – Set Game Speed
Num 0 – One Hit Kill


  1. “Infinite Tools Durability” doesn’t work on one time use tools (e.g. lock pick).
  2. “Freeze Day Time” only works during day time, although it will freeze the display time at night, but the actual time is not frozen, you need to use “Freeze Night Time” to freeze time at night.
  3. Beginning at v6.0.0 the game has updated to 64 bit version, the updated trainer also targets 64 bit version, it will not work on older game version (below v6.0.0). If your game version is below v6.0.0 you can use the old version trainer which can be found here: https://flingtrainer.info/all-trainers-a-z/


File Date added File size Downloads
zip This.War.of.Mine.LatestVersion.Plus.8.Trainer-FLiNG 2021-07-21 01:30 132 KB 171549
zip This.War.of.Mine.v6.0.0.Plus.8.Trainer-FLiNG 2019-11-18 17:18 630 KB 74517
